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Dear Parents and Carers
It's Book Week! Thanks Mr Broughton for the activities and dress up opportunities to bring joy this week. The theme this year is 'Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds'. Today's messages will be punctuated with some fabulous book week costumes!
Yesterday we were informed of the continued regional lockdown in NSW for the next two weeks. This means that at this stage remote learning will continue until the end of Week 9 of Term 3, with the lockdown until 10 September. Thank you for keeping up to date with information and planning through Skoolbag messages. We continue to operate at school on a skeleton staff for supervision. As was communicated yesterday PLEASE READ AND ACT on the following information:
For students who need to be at school on any day in the next two weeks we ask all parents/carers to inform us by emailing by 4pm Sunday naming the days for onsite learning for each week ahead (4pm Sunday 29th August and 4pm Sunday 5th September). This is to ensure we have adequate skeleton staffing for supervision of students completing remote learning at school. Our aim is to comply with minimising movement and stay-at-home orders for our staff, and to give our staff notice of days on which they need to be at school. Thank you for keeping your children home for remote learning if you are able.
Our teachers and students are becoming proficient in the use of MSTeams for both morning meetings and prayer as well as some teaching and conferencing time. In accordance with CE policy please be informed that our teachers have been learning the record, save, store and delete meeting functions.
All virtual meetings on Microsoft Teams from Monday will be recorded by the teacher to be archived and stored in compliance with safety and child protection standards. During this recording students who have their camera on or who use the microphone to ask a question will have their image and voice captured. Once the Meeting is stored on Microsoft Stream the teacher will change permissions on this video to restrict students from reviewing the content unless permission has been granted. If you do not want your child to be recorded in a Team Meeting, please notify school before 9am on Monday 30th August by email @ . Your child will be supported by allowing them to have their camera off and microphone muted during Meetings. Of note, this will limit student participation. They will only be able to the use of Chat, when permitted by the teacher, and Emoticons, to respond to peers and the teacher during a Meeting.
And now to some HOPE, JOY & WONDER
Thank you to the St Pat's kids who have contributed to the Hope, Joy, Wonder Project. Mrs Grant has been sharing some of these quotes on our school social media, and some will be in her messages in this newsletter.
For me there has been great joy this week especially through
* Watching the Book Week fun in class Seesaw! The students have been fabulously creative with their costumes again this year. Please tell them that as soon as we are back face to face learning we are having a Book Week parade at school! Keep the costumes at the ready!
* Afternoon chats with the teachers who have shared the joys in their day. The MSTeam meetings seem to be a particular highlight for teachers and students alike!
Lastly today, please know that if you are in need of support at this time contact the school and we will see how we can help.
Sharing some of the amazing quotes from our St Pat's kids!
Celebrating Religious Education During Remote Learning
Our 1/2 students have been exploring the life of Jesus during remote learning. Students were asked:
I am hoping you have a minute or minutes today to become aware of YOU.
STOP what you are doing right now and for a complete minute to tap into how you are feeling, what you are thinking, and feel your breath enter and leave your body.
Invest in YOU. Make a list of the fun things you enjoy, that are life giving activities and promise yourself to do one thing that soothes your soul today.
Believe in YOU
Love YOU now
click on the video below and enjoy a minute in nature.
"the LIGHT in me knows the LIGHT in you is awesome"
Alicia Spicer
Thank you to the families who have paid their term 3 fees.
This is a friendly reminder that Term 3 fees are due to be finalised, except those with direct debit arrangements.
If at any time your family is experiencing financial hardship due to Covid-19 or any other reason or your family is in need of other support, please contact the school to make a time for a confidential meeting with our Principal, Jo Scott-Pegum to discuss how the school can help support your family.
Week 6 Answer:
The letter "W" is at the end of the rainbow.
Week 7:
What makes this number unique: 8,549,176,320?