Our School
Why Choose Us?
- Experienced and highly dedicated teachers
- Quality learning in a safe, supportive, and nurturing environment
- We have high expectations for learning progress and growth for each student
- We know and understand the needs of each student and support them in their learning and growth
- Direct Instruction programs for English and Mathematics
- InitiaLit K-2
- Reading Mastery Year 3-6
- Spelling Mastery Year 3-6
- The Writing Revolution K-6
- Connecting Maths Concepts K-6
- Learning intervention programs
- MiniLit Sage
- MacqLit
- Multilingual learning programs
- Language Lift
- Story Champs
- Supportive lunch time clubs and play activities
- Junior and senior play spaces and outdoor learning areas
- School sports carnivals: Swimming, athletics and cross-country
- Prayer is an intrinsic part of daily school life
- Active and supportive parent body working together to build our community
- Social events including the annual Beach-a-thon and disco, and regular other fun events like the Rainbow colour run
School Vision
Our School Vision, ‘School With a View’, directs our thinking, planning and teaching, creating a focus toward providing quality education for our 21st Century learners.
School Principles
School Logo

Our School logo is representative of who are as a school. At the centre is the Chi Rho Cross as a sign of belief, strength and courage. The green line represents Mumbulla Mountain, which is our beautiful backdrop and a sacred site for the local Indigenous people. The red and yellow represent the hills that fill our valley and the pastures of our local farmers.
The blue waves represent our connection to the coast and the creeks and rivers that provide water and life to all in the valley. The green, red and yellow are also the colours of our sports houses.
“Christ With Us” was a prayer written by St Patrick himself, which is part of our School prayer that we celebrate this with our children.
Our Patron Saint
Known as the Apostle of Ireland, St Patrick devoted his life to sharing the ‘good news’. It was on his escape from captivity in Ireland that he decided to devote himself to a missionary life and eventually return to educate the people of Ireland and enable their freedom. It is St Patrick’s strong view of his mission and his love of Christ on which we base our vision.
Our Parish
We place great importance on developing positive links between family, school and parish. It takes a working partnership to continue to develop a child’s faith that starts in Kindergarten and grows and strengthens through the primary years.
Parish Administration
Fr. Adrian Chan, Parish Priest
Mrs. Tanya Tomlinson, Parish Secretary
Ph: 02 6492 1058
Address: Gipps St, Bega NSW 2550
Email: Bega@cg.org.au
Sunday Mass Timetable
St Patrick’s, Gipps St, Bega
Tues & Wed 5:30pm
Thurs 9am, Fri 9am, Sat 9am, Sun 9:30am
Reconciliation Fri 5:30-6pm, Sat 9:30-10am
St Columba’s, Loftus St, Bemboka
Sat 6pm Vigil, 2nd & 4th Saturdays
Sat 6pm Vigil, 1st, 3rd and 5th Saturdays (Liturgy of the Word & H.C.)
St Joseph’s, Bega St, Candelo
Sat 6pm Vigil, 1st, 3rd & 5th Saturdays
Sun 9:30am, 2nd and 4th Sundays (Mass or Liturgy)
Star of the Sea, Bega St, Tathra
Wed 9am, Sun 7:45am